St Finians GAA Swords

Founded 1983

Co. Dublin

Free Tree Giveaway ! National Tree Week March 6th to 16th

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National Tree Week will take place from 9-16th March 2025 and Fingal County Council has a number of initiatives planned to celebrate this including plans to distribute 10,000 trees to residents for planting across the county, as well as hosting a number of community planting events and workshops.

This year Fingal are providing a wider range of tree species including native and non- native trees. This will not only help increase the species diversity across Fingal, supporting efforts to climate proof our tree population but also help with applying the principle of the 'right tree in the right place', particularly when planting in challenging urban locations. Native species include Pine, Goat Willow, Hawthorn, Wild Cherry, Crab apple, Hazel, Alder and Birch (70% of giveaway); Non-Native species include Walnut, Beech, Hornbeam, Larch, Red oak and Scarlet Willow (30% of giveaway).

Tree Giveaways will take place from 10am to 1pm on Wednesday 12th and/or Saturday 15th of March at the following venues: St Catherine’s Park, Millennium Park, Argillan Demesne, Malahide Demesne, Velvet strand beach, Portmarnock, Newbridge Demesne and Ward River Valley.

Collection point Swords: Ward River Valley, New car park River valley. Wed 12th & Sat 15th March 10am-1pm

Further details at,a%20number%20of%20community%20planting%20events%20and%20workshops. 
